If you've finally decided to do something for yourself, here's a simple tutorial on how to get started in your fitness life.


Nobody came here with knowledge from heaven, and even though you have some first information from magazines, the practice is something else. Every better gym will recommend you a personal trainer who will introduce you to the fitness center in order to make you easier to navigate. At the same time, you should propose a basic workout plan that the trainer will also pass through and explain the right technique and breathing.


We are not going to write an article here about what kind of funded trainers are moving in our fitness centers, we would have been here for a long time, but let's tell that they know more than you. Of course, we do not throw everyone in one bag.


For beggining, I recommend getting along with the coach for a few first trainings. If you have a family member or friend who already have started, you can start a world of fitness with them. So you save some money on your first protein.


I do not want to scare you, but you have to count on the fact that it will hurt after the first training. More or less, but some muscle fever will definitely come. This is a response to muscular work that the body is not accustomed to.


If the workout is regular, the muscle fever will gradually leave. Many people ask me what to do to get the muscle fever off as fast as possible. Unfortunately, no nutritional supplements are helpful. It is best to go to workout again!


Let's go to the workout itself, but before explaining the workout we will explain a few concepts:


  • Series: Start of a simple exercise. That's when you take the dumbbells in your hands and practice the exercise.



  • Warm Up Series: A series of training sessions when a very low load is used. The body will thus prepare for a greater load. These series are very important in order to avoid unnecessary injuries. In the initial training, we usually practice two to three warm-up sets. Whenever we start doing new exercise for the same muscle we usually do 1 warm up set.



  • Work series: These are series that already load the muscles significantly, ie. that we use an increased load when practicing. The chosen weight of dumbbells or bricks in the machine in each series depends on the physical performance and the workout principle (I will explain below)



  • Number of repeats: The number that determines how many times in a given series we make a prescribed move.



  • Workout Principles: The way in which exercise is practiced. Specifies the number of runs, the number of times to repeat, the order of the exercises, the range of movement, the height of the selected load, and so on. Rule beginners do not use advanced workout principles.



  • Extension / Concentration: The position at exercise where we have the most loaded muscular part in the highest tension.



  • Body movements:

Hold arms close to your body: Arms raised along the body. (Starting position for other terms)


Stretch arms forward: Moving your arms out in front of your body. The hands are in right angle with the chest.


 Stretch arms upwards: Raise your arms above your head. The hands are in a straight line with the chest.


Stretch arms out sideways: Move your hands to the sides of the body. We have a right angle between hands and chest.


Stretch arms backward: Move your arms to the back of the body.


Spread out arms: Move your hands from the forward to the sideways.






First, choose a simple circuit training. This means that for each muscle part we choose one basic exercise and we will practice it in three work series of 10 repetitions. We begin by practicing large muscles and continue with small ones.


ABS muscles are usually practiced at the end of the training. Breaks between series are one to two minutes.




  • Breathing: A very important part in performing each exercise. As a rule, it works by exhaling in overcoming gravity, that is, when we are overloaded. (In the demonstration training, blue animation represents the Inhale, the red animation of the Exhale.)



Large muscles: Breasts, Back, Shoulders, Quadriceps, Hamstring

Small muscles: Triceps, Biceps, Calves



Sample workout:


1. Chest: Bench Press - 3 sets, 10 reps


2. Back: Front Lat Pulldown Wide Grip - 3 sets, 10 reps


3. Shoulders: Seated Dumbbell Shoulders Press - 3 sets, 10 reps


4. Triceps: Straight Bar Push Down - 3 sets, 10 reps


5. Biceps: Biceps Barbell Curl - 3 sets, 10 reps


6. Quadriceps: Leg Extension - 3 sets, 10 reps


7. Hamstring: Laying Leg Curl - 3 sets, 10 reps


8. Calves: Standing Calf Raise Machine - 3 sets, 10 reps


9. ABS: Sit-Up Crunches with Foot Support - 3 sets, 10 reps


10. ABS: Leg Raise - 3 sets, 10 reps




We practice basic workout for six to eight weeks. We have to regenerate one to two days between the training days. In the first few months, we focus on breathing and exercise movements, we try to feel the muscles in order to improve technique and link neural pathways between the brain and the trained parts.

The result of the first phase may not be a new muscle mass, but an improvement in coordination and certainty in body control.




We do not even forget about meal and supplementation. A meal should be balanced to cover the energy load of the power workout and there is still enough energy to regenerate. Supplements can also help improve performance and regeneration. How to do a meal plan and what supplements to choose will be described in the next article. I also recommend to read the Ideal Training Time.




You can see a detailed description of the individual exercises and sample videos in the workout gallery after you log in to the Workoutic (www.workoutic.com). The system will help you get started, set up your diet and training according to your personal criteria and will accompany you in your sport progress.




Stefan Havlik